Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Guilty Pleasures...

It has come time for me to admit my most favorite guilty pleasure to you all: ('all' meaning whoever may be out there hopefully reading this). Online shopping, without the exchange of money. Yes, I simply spend my days, going onto various shopping gateways online, and feed my addiction by filling my basket to the brim, and then never buying. I am beginning to come to the realization however, that this dirty little habit of mine, may actually be inducing pain upon me, as I am in-fact self inflicting torture upon myself. That moment when I scroll through my basket, coming to terms with the idea, that not one single item dancing upon my screen will ever be mine is quite heartbreaking and leaves me with a mild feeling of melancholy. But for now, I shall reveal to you all, todays MUST HAVES, which are things I will most certainly never have (how ironic).